Why should I buy an Aluminum Boat?

Aluminum boats have been looked at as cheap alternatives to their fiberglass counterparts for decades in the American boating scene. That stigma is slowly fading due to the rise of high quality aluminum boat manufacturers such as Avid Boats. Of course we here at Riverview Marine Sales and Service are biased as we do sell their tank-like aluminum boats but there are plenty of reasons why you should consider an aluminum boat.

  1. Durability:

    Aluminum boats are renowned for their exceptional durability. Unlike fiberglass, which can suffer from cracks, dents, and other forms of damage, aluminum boats are more resistant to impact. This robustness makes them ideal for navigating through unpredictable waters, ensuring your vessel can withstand the challenges of the open sea. In short all welded aluminum boats like Avid Boats can handle impacts both above and below the waterline far better than their fiberglass cousins.

  2. Maintenance:

    It is a well known fact that fiberglass does not age well. All fiberglass boats will progressively get more brittle with age which weakens the strength of the hull and also make the boat look old and faded. There is no real solution to this problem and that is why aluminum is so great for longevity. Sure it can discolor over time but at least you can repaint it or throw on a vinyl wrap and with modern Urethane finishes the lifespan far outlasts any fiber glass vessel.

  3. Cost:

    The upfront cost is usually less on a high quality all welded aluminum boat such as an Avid Boat when compared to a similar fiberglass model. The thing is you are actually paying more for a boat that will cost more to repair (if you can find someone willing to do fiberglass work), and is more subject to repair in the first place since fiberglass is not nearly as durable as aluminum.

  4. Environmental Friendliness:

    In an era where environmental considerations are paramount, aluminum boats shine as a more eco-friendly option. Aluminum is fully recyclable, making it a sustainable choice for boat construction. Fiberglass, on the other hand, can pose challenges in terms of disposal and environmental impact. Choosing aluminum demonstrates a commitment to reducing your ecological footprint.

In conclusion, the way we construct modern day aluminum vessels make them a much more durable, maintainable, cost effective and environmentally friendly than fiberglass boats. The option is up to you but after many years of experience I would always choose a high quality all welded aluminum boat over a fiberglass one.

Herb Parks